On parties and things like that...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This is one post that has been long overdue.

I promised to update you all on how my trip went.

Well..the trip went quite well. Thank you all for the words of encouragement after that last cribby post!

I was able to complete the task on time as per the plan. Thankfully, there were no glitches. This was only the first phase of the project...the rest would come some time in February or March once the customer is ready for the actual implementation. So, for now, it is waiting time.
There were no problems on the home front either...father daughter team managed quite well... even though the husband took instant revenge by taking off to China for 3 weeks(!!!) as soon as I got back!

This weekend,I arranged a birthday party for my daughter at home. She invited her friends from the school and the day care. We ordered a huge vanilla cake (she chose one that was shaped like a book!). I planned a few party games and ordered Happy Meals for the kids from Mc Donalds. I wouldn't have dared to do a party on my own while the hubby was travelling...but since the brother-in-law and the cousin brother were around to help out with the decorations, picking up the cake and the food and for general helping around, it was no trouble at all...

The party was sheer fun! I was a little doubtful about the games I had chosen...but I need not have been!!! Kids these days are so amazingly smart that they never fail to amaze us elders!

I realised that I had totally underestimated them while planning the games. We had a game where the teams had to pick a piece of paper in which an occupation was written...you know...like doctor, nurse, postman, policeman. The kids were divided into two teams and one person from the team had to do a dumb charade of the occupation he/she picks up. The others in the team had to guess! Being old fashioned, I had picked simple stuff like doctor, dancer, postman, teacher ...and the kids were making guesses like immigration department...banker...chef!!!! Oh dear....we adults were put to shame!!!

And how the kids talk!!! There was one little guy who wanted to win every game...by hook or by crook! He tried to bribe me...refused to have 'babies' in his team (Couple of kids had brought their younger siblings along)...blamed his team when they couldn't guess what he was doing in the charades game...made up brilliant stuff in the 'I spy' game...just kept shocking and amusing us elders in turns!!! We couldn't help but wonder how he would turn out in a few years' time out in the real world!

And there was this little 7 year old girl who, as she was leaving after the party, touched the chain I was wearing and said 'Nice pendant, aunty'...sounding so much like a young lady!!! It took me a few seconds to find my senses and thank her for her appreciation!

The end result of the party is a lot of yummy cake,chocolate milk and ice cream in my refrigerator... to test my willpower!!!!

15 other wanderers:

Reflections said...

Birthday parties are fun huh...I throw myself into the spirit of the party. Infact I thk I have more fun than the kids:-D.
Glad to know everything went off well coz its quite difficult to even attempt a party without the better-half.
And lots of yummy cake in the fridge huh...gimme me 2 minutes, I'm coming over:-D

WannabeWriter said...

Yes, it was fun! Seriously...why don't you just come over??? Or you still want to keep the mystery going??? :P

Anonymous said...

You know something? part of that cake should rightfully come to me... :)

- the glutton.

Anonymous said...

I know that kid. The one who had to win every game and tried bribing you.... he is in every school, in every class. He lives in every town and is invited to every birthday party.

Reflections said...

Hehe....wht mystery???? we know almost everything we need to know abt eachother;-P
Yes its time:-)

Preeti Shenoy said...

heh heh..Laughing at the way kids guessed the professions.
Mine are now 10 (will be 11 very soon) and 7. The older one thinks b'day parties are so passe! He doesnt want to celebrate!
We too have had some memorable parties.

WannabeWriter said...

@colours:I agree...come and get it! :P

@agnes: I know what you mean...have seen them too....

@ps: All grown up, is he??? so sweet! I'm sure your parties would have been fun...all artistic and imaginative.. :)

Vaidegi J said...

that wouldve been a nice break; and this one evening is usually hurricanish, the birthday evenings, leaves behind a trail of remenants and ofcourse lovely memories! :)

WannabeWriter said...

@onlooker: Oh, you are so right...the remnants are still there...the decorations and balloons all over the place. :-) And talk about hurricanish...we have one of those birds on our shelf that make noise when there is a loud sound...well she got absolutely no rest that day!!! hee hee

Maddy said...

Belated Birthday wishes to your daughter!!!

Cake-la mitcham meethi irukka??

WannabeWriter said...

@Maddy:Thank you :-)

Niraye cake irundhathu...enge pochu nu theriyalai... hee hee...

Reflections said...

Come & collect ur award. And I delibrately didnt give one to onlooker coz u cd give it:-D

Just call me 'A' said...

ha ha ha...kids nowadays...they grow so fast.
did you say chocolate? now for a first time visitor that is really really enticing :)

Tys on Ice said...

know something? kids nowadays scare me...i get very uncomfortable with girls of 7 who acts like 20 year olds....boys of 8 who talks like a 30 year old...not irritated or something like that...just feel plain dumb...looking back i think we were all in such a hurry to become adults....i just want the kids to enjoy their childhood...they grow up so fast....next thing u know, we wont be able to hold them when they are hurt or kiss them gudnite...

WannabeWriter said...

@'A': Thanks for the visit :-)

@Tys: I know what you mean! I thank my stars every time my daughter makes an innocent statement...I feel happy that she is still a child...

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